
Program Overview Doctor of Healing Ministry

The purpose of this degree program is to prepare students for service as professional counselors. In this program, we seriously integrate Christian principles and values with effective counseling techniques in order to provide the church and community with the best services possible. The program of studies leading to the Doctor of Religious Counseling is designed to educate the whole person, developing the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for effective professional service, within the framework of reasoned Christian world view. Candidates will choose their area of specialization and will do their Doctoral Project within that area. In this project they may focus on such area of counseling as the following: Biblical Counseling, Crisis Counseling, Healing Counseling, and Marriage and family Counseling, etc.

Total minimum required graduation units: 68 units

• Coursework: 60 units
• Dissertation: 8 units

Standard of Student Achievement and Graduation Requirements

To graduate, a student must

1. Complete a minimum of 60 quarter units or 600 hours of the following coursework with a cumulative GPA average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
2. Complete a dissertation (8 quarter units).
3. Successfully complete the degree requirements within the allowed program length.
Successful graduates of the program will be awarded a degree in Doctor of Religious Education.

Program Length

Students are usually expected to complete the program in 5 years. The maximum time frame allowed for students to complete a program is 150% of the normal program length, namely 7 and 1/2 years for the Doctoral programs. An extension may be granted for special circumstances.