Program Overview Master of Divinity
Master of Divinity degree is a professional degree that will equip graduates with comprehensive graduate education. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are expected to attain the following: Competent professional skills in preaching, teaching, counseling, leading worships, and administrating as an ordained minister. Skills to educate and counseling among biblical, historical, theological, and practical areas of studies essential for an ordained minister, and thorough knowledge and understanding of the Bible. Graduates of Master of Divinity will be prepared for pastorship, priesthood, or professional ministry.
Total minimum required graduation units: 98 units
Standard of Student Achievement and Graduation Requirements
To graduate, a student must
1. Complete a minimum of 98 quarter units or 980 hours of the following coursework with a cumulative GPA average of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
2. Successfully complete the degree requirements within the allowed program length.
Successful graduates of the program will be awarded a degree in Master of Divinity.
Program Length
Students are usually expected to complete the program in 3 years. The maximum time frame allowed for students to complete a program is 150% of the normal program length, namely 4 and 1/2 years for the Master of Divinity program. An extension may be granted for special circumstances.