

Each member of the university community is responsible for acting in an ethical and professional manner. This responsibility includes avoiding conflict of interest, conducting instruction in an ethical manner and protecting the rights of all individuals. All members of the university community- including members of the university’s faculty, administration, student body and staff should conduct themselves with the greatest professional objectivity.


Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
• For faculty: Plagiarism and Falsifying College Documents Plagiarism is a faculty member intentionally or knowingly presenting words, ideas or the work of others as one’s own work. Falsifying any college document- includes falsifying signatures on college forms, documents or papers; forging another person’s signature or the modification of college documents which are presented as originals. Breaches of academic integrity are handled by the program director, department chairperson, school dean or the vice president. It is the responsibility of all faculty and staff to be informed as to what constitutes academic dishonesty and to follow the policy.
• For Students: Plagiarism is intentionally or knowingly presenting words, ideas or the work of others as one’s own work. Plagiarism includes copying homework, copying lab reports, copying computer programs, using a work or portion of a work written or created by another but not crediting the source, using one’’s own work completed in a previous class for credit in another class without permission, paraphrasing another’s work without giving credit and borrowing or using ideas without giving credit. Cheating during exams includes unauthorized crib sheets, copying from another, looking at another student’s exam, opening books when not authorized, obtaining advance copies of exams, using unapproved or compromising computer technology to share exam information or an exam given by or on computers and having an exam re-graded after making changes. Exam cheating includes exams given during classes, final exams and standardized tests.
• Use of unauthorized study aids: includes utilization of other’s computer programs or solutions, copying a copyrighted computer program without permission, using old lab reports, having others perform one’s share of lab work and using any material prohibited by the instructor. Falsifying any college document- includes falsifying signatures on College forms, such as add/drop and withdrawal forms, forging another student’s signature and falsifying prerequisite requirements. It is the responsibility of all students to be informed of what constitutes academic dishonesty and to follow the policy. A student who is aware of another student’s academic dishonesty is encouraged to report the instance to the instructor of the class, the test administrator, or the school dean, department chairperson, program director or other appropriate supervisor or administrator so that appropriate disciplinary action may be taken.

Student Records

Student records are confidential and maintained and released in accordance with applicable law. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as amended(commonly referred to as the Buckley Amendment), generally prohibits the release of information about students and former students without their consent to parents, spouses, military, law enforcement, prospective employers, federal investigators, or other parties. This Act also assures the student of the right of access to, challenge of, and review of educational records.

Educational records are defined as- those records, files, documents and other materials which:
• contain information directly related to a student, and
• are maintained by the college or by a person acting for the college.

The college’s Office of Admissions and Records is the college’ records custodian and is responsible for the maintenance of student records. Persons having access to the records indicated above are those persons who have a legitimate educational need. The Office of Admissions and Records will also release information when subpoenaed.
The Buckley Amendment assures students’’ right to privacy and confidentiality and is instituted to protect each student. If a student believes that his/her record contains inaccurate information, this matter should be brought to the attention of the Director of Admissions and Records. If the problem cannot be informally resolved, the student should follow the official procedure (a copy of which is available in the Office of Admissions and Records) for a resolution of the problem.
Student records normally include documents filed for admission to the college, grade reports, permanent records of academic work completed, transcripts received from schools and other college and colleges attended, test scores, counseling information, correspondence and petitions related to the student. These documents will normally include, but not be limited to, the name, address, telephone, birth date, residence classification, sex, past and current enrollment, academic and attendance status, educational benefits, ethnic background, high school graduation, college major and the identification number of a student.

Information which cannot be classified as student records is:
• Information provided by the student’’s parents in connection with financial aid;
• Confidential letters of recommendation on file prior to January 1, 1975;
• Information maintained by a college official or employee which remains in his/her sole possession;
• Information about the student maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist or other professional acting in his/her professional capacity for the college, and
• Information about the student maintained by the college in the normal course of business pertaining to the student’s employment, if he/she is employed by the college.

Record 5 yrs.
Students’applications for admission 5 yrs.
High school transcripts 5 yrs.
GRE Test 5 yrs.
Transcripts from prior colleges 5 yrs.
Universities attended Permanently
Registration forms 7 yrs.
Add/drop forms 7 yrs.
Lordland College transcripts Permanently
Application for graduation 5 yrs.
Change of grade form 5 yrs.
Grade report forms 5 yrs.
Students permanent records are initially maintained in a paper filing system and later converted to PDF files for storage in an electronic format. Scanned documents are maintained on CD’s and on the Office of Admissions and Records’ computer system.

Holding of Records

Student records may be placed on a hold status because of financial or other obligations to the College. While the student’ records are on hold, registration may not be allowed nor will transcripts of credits be released. Records will be held until the obligation is cleared to the satisfaction of the office instituting the hold.

Drug Free Workplace Police

Lordland College has a policy of maintaining a Drug-free Workplace. All employees and students are hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in this institution’s workplace. The workplace is defined as any classrooms, hallway, restroom, parking, or storage areas that are connected to the main campus at 1125 East 17th Street, N-160, Santa Ana, CA 92701. All students must sign a drug free policy found in the administrative office during normal office hours.

Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy

All aspects of Lordland College’s programs will be administered in compliance with Titles VI and VIII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. No individual will be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, subjected to discrimination under or denied employment in the administration of or in connection with Lordland College’s programs because of race, color, age, disability, citizenship, handicap or political affiliation. Lordland College’s commitment is that participation in any program shall be open to citizens and nationals of the United States, lawfully admitted refugees and parolees and other individuals authorized by the Attorney General to work in the United States. Lordland College’s commitment is that no individual will be intimidated, threatened, coerced, or discriminated against because of filing a complaint, furnishing information or assisting or participating in any manner in an investigation, compliance review, hearing or any other activity related to the administration of Lordland College’s programs.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual Harassment is a violation of Section 503 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is Lordland College’s policy that all its employees/ students have a right to work in an environment free from sexual harassment in any form. Such conduct (sexual harassment) may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. No manager or supervisor(instructor) shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or otherwise to an employee/student that refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect employees’/students’ employment, assignment, promotion, transfer, evaluation, wages, or any other term or condition of employment/enrollment.

Sexual Harassment is defined as:
• Unwelcomed physical or verbal contact;
• Sexually explicit language or gestures;
• Uninvited or unwanted sexual advances;
• An offensive overall environment, including the use of vulgar language, the presence of sexually explicit photographs or other materials, and the telling of sexual stories or jokes.

No employee/student shall threaten or insinuate, either explicitly or otherwise that refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect the entrance or participation in a program. Lordland College prohibits other sexually harassing conduct in the workplace/college, whether committed by supervisors, non supervisory employees, subcontractors, students, or vendors. This includes: repeated sexual advances, propositions, unwanted flirtations, continual or repeated verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic verbal commentaries about a person’s body; gestures; or the display in the workplace/ college of sexually suggestive objects or pictures. Any employee/student who believes that he/she has been a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace/college should notify his/her supervisor and follow the grievance procedures provided by this organization for the filing of sexual harassment complaints.

Change or Cancellation of a Class

Should enrollments drop unusually low in any one class, the college may, at its option, cancel that class and advise the remaining students to relocate to one of the other available classes. In the unforeseen cancellation of a class session, the college, at its option, may reschedule the class on a weekday or a Saturday. This will always be done giving the maximum amount of prior notice possible.

Policy on Sexual Assault

The term sexual assault includes, but is not limited to: rape, acquaintance rape, sexual battery, forced sodomy, forced-oral copulation, rape by a foreign object, or threat of sexual assault. Students, faculty and staff who are victims of a sexual assault committed upon the grounds of the College, or upon off-campus grounds or facilities maintained by affiliated student organizations, are required by law to be advised of specified-remedial information which should include any treatment which may be available. Rape is the most prevalent, serious-violent crime committed on college campuses. Rape, including acquaintance rape, or any other form of sexual assault, will not be tolerated by Lordland College. Where there is evidence that campus-related sexual assault has been committed, severe campus disciplinary action will be initiated. Such campus disciplinary action may include, after due process, the possibility of dismissal, suspension or dis-enrollment. Additionally, where the victim initiates criminal action, the perpetrator is subject to criminal penalties which may include fines and imprisonment.

Teacher and Student Ratio

An instructor is present for all classes and all efforts are made to keep student-to-teacher ratios low.