• God – We believe there is only one God, the Holy Triune God, existing eternally in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
• God The Father – We believe in God the Father who governs all things and is accomplishing His purposes in creation and in the Church to His glory. He initiates creation and redemption, which He accomplishes through His Son and the Holy Spirit.
• Jesus Christ – We believe in one and only Son of God, Jesus Christ both true God and fully man, who was with the God the Father who made the universe. He came to the world as Savior. He was incarnated by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary. He lived an exemplary, sinless life in perfect submission to God the Father. He died on the cross, bodily resurrected from the dead on the third day, ascended into Heaven, and will return from Heave as the image of His ascension. Now, as our high priest and advocate, He is at the right hand of the Father. He will return to establish His righteous and peaceful Kingdom of God. We believe whoever believes that the Lord Jesus is the Christ will be saved.
• The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit, sent to indwell, regenerate, sanctify, and empower in every believer’s heart, is a divine person and the Third Person of the Trinity of God. The Holy Spirit came from the Father of God and the Son of God to convict the world of sin and to bring righteousness and of judgment. We believe the Holy Spirit helps, teaches, guides, comforts, and equips us to love God, serve God, and obey God to be gradually like Christ.
• Holy Bible – We believe in the Bible, the Word of God, to be the final authority, infallible rule, and the divine and only standard for establishing our Christian faith, conduct, and practice. The Holy Bible is God’s written Scriptures consisting of the Old and New Testaments. The Holy Scriptures were inspired by God. The written Word of God is fully reliable, inerrant, and without error.
• Creation – We believe in the creation of the universe as presented in the Bible. We believe in the accuracy and full historicity of the Scriptural record of creation including the literal truth and presence of heaven and hell and the existence of Satan, devil, sin, and evil powers in real.
• The Human Beings – We believe in the creation of humankind in God’s image and likeness as presented in the Bible. We believe that we are to have a relationship with God, to be loved by God. However, all humans are born sinners because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. As a result, all people experience the process of death physically and spiritually. Therefore, from birth, all human beings carry the original sin.
• Salvation – We believe that the salvation has come through Jesus Christ for all people. Therefore, whoever confesses his/her sins and accepts Him as his/her personal Savior will be born again by the Holy Spirit, and receives the eternal life, and becomes God’s child.
• Sanctity and Life – We believe the will of God. We should respect the sanctity of each human life. We should be filled with the Holy Spirit so that we will be sanctified wholly, separated from sin, and fully dedicated to the will of God.
• The Church – We believe the Church consists of all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who are redeemed and born again by His blood and by the Holy Spirit. Church is a loving spiritual Body, the Church, and Christ is the Head of His Church. We believe that Christ had commissioned to go into all nations to be a witness and to preach the Gospel. The believers in the local churches joined together for worship, prayer, fellowship, proclamation of the Gospel, observance of the ordinances, instruction through the God’s Word, and participation in the Communion and Baptism.
• Healing – We believe in the divine healing power of God and miracles which we can receive from God by His will and His purpose. We believe that God’s healing is a privilege for all Christians.
• Resurrection – We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the just and the unjust respectively. The just will resurrect unto eternal life and glory in heaven, and the unjust will resurrect unto judgment in the place of everlasting punishment.
• The Second Advent – We believe in the imminent second coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ second is all coming believers’ blessed hope. The truth of His second coming motivates and leads us to live holy and faithfully.